Greeting an Oil for the First Time

When you work with an oil for the first time,

you need to become familiar with its particular

field of energy by meditating with it and asking

it some questions. Before you begin,

prepare your oil and have your journal

and a pen or pencil by your side.

It's your nervous system!  


5 ways to calm it down


1. Walk in bare feet on the ground, slowly and mindfully for at least 15 minutes

2. Inhale calming essential oils deeply whilst closing your eyes for 3-5 minutes

    Lavender. Frankincense.Cedarwood.Vetiver.Marjoram are just a few essential oils with a calming effect on the nervous system 

3. Self soothe by gently stroking your hands from your shoulders down to your elbow. This sends a calming signal to your brain and switches on the relaxing side of your nervous system

4. EFT (tapping) is excellent for calming the nervous system, rewiring your brain and decreasing the stress hormone cortisol 

5. Gently tapping on your breast bone whenever you can also helps send a message to your nervous system to synchronise with your heart and help bring coherence into your magnetic field

What’s the difference between a stock bottle of conscious drops and a personally made one?


Stock bottles work. They connect with the intention behind it and create shifts and changes at deep level.

Personal creations are powered up with your intention and the creation energy that is focused purely on you 

Personal creations bring in more targeted assistance and love energy 

My experience with death and grief 


I am feeling to share my recent experience with the passing of my Father.


A lot happened around that time


Only a few days before I received the call that Dad was not looking good, there was a dead bird outside the front of my house. I felt like leaving it there and wondered at it’s message.

In the same week I received an inner message to resign from work NOW!

I had been contemplating this big decision for quite a while but fear kept trumping and I continued to show up at a job “that was killing me inside” 

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