In new scientific studies, we are starting to get some ideas as to how that happens.

Tulsi is my very favorite “herb for bad feelings” – whether those feelings are “I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning”, “I’m grumpy and emotionally upset due to strong PMS symptoms”, “I’m craving a thing I’ve been addicted to and resisting it is difficult”, all the way through to PTSD, even years after the fact.

How can one herb have all of those effects?
There’s never one explanation for how an herb works, but one particularly interesting factor for Tulsi is its' interaction with the hippocampus – the section of the brain where we process short-term memories and experiences into long-term memories. When the hippocampus is exposed to prolonged high levels of cortisol, it shrinks and its functioning is compromised. However, the hippocampus is a part of the brain that can regenerate, and has its own stem cells to do so. Tulsi stimulates those stem cells, which allows your body to stop holding traumatic events in the present tense and to process them into your past-tense long term storage.
Tulsi also has benefits to the HPA axis and other aspects of the endocrine system, as well as considerable volatile oil content with effects that range from anti-microbial to anti-inflammatory, and more.

Of particular note,there is  recent research connecting chronic high levels of inflammation with depression. This is more connected to "leaky gut" allowing molecules to cross over the gut wall into the circulation which in turn can cause inflammation in the brain.

Holy Basil tea is also tonifying to the gut. Massage the essential oil around your belly to help with protecting your solar plexus and "gut feeling" area from energy/psychic invaders. Especially if you are too open "for example if  you are an empath". You need a lot of strengthening in this area to ward off unwanted energies.

Sometimes your bad feelings are not yours they are just energy picked up from someone or somewhere else. Best just to let it go.
Take Tulsi in tea – it has a very pleasant flavor – tincture, or elixir. If you make a long-infusion of the tea, covered to retain the volatile oils, you will also get some significant mineral content!

Inhale Holy Basil for an immediate effect on the mind and emotional body. It can help with cravings too, especially when they are emotionally connectec, like comfort eating.

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