1. Sit in a quiet place indoors or outdoors

where you'll be totally undisturbed.
2. Close your eyes and consciously breathe

slowly and deeply until you feel centred.
3. Ground yourself by imagining deep,

strong roots, like those of a tree,

growing from your body deep into the earth.

These will help to anchor you and

stop you from 'flying away'.
4. Visualize a sphere of bright,

protective white light completely surrounding you,

reaching below your feet, above your head

and around your back. Feel yourself enclosed within it.
5. State your intention -what you want to achieve

during this session,

such as understanding the oil's energy.
6. Take your vial of oil, remove the cap and smell the oil.
7. Ask the oil for its permission to work with it

and receive its wisdom.
8. Allow the oil to speak to you.

Explore the feelings and emotions that you experience,

paying attention to any shapes or symbols

that appear in your mind.

Talk to the oil.
9. You're now ready to ask it the following questions:

  • What can you teach me?
    What do I need to release?
    What gift do you have for me?

10. Take note of anything that transpires,

including all that you feel and see.
11. Check your physical body

to see if you have any sensations,

such as warmth or tingling.
12. When you've gathered as much information

as you can (or if you're ready to end the meditation),

give thanks to the oil and focus once again on your breath,

then gently come back to the present.
13. Ground yourself once again and make notes

in your journal about anything that you experienced.

Listen with your heart (rather than your head)

to understand what the oil is telling you.

Write down the information as soon as you can.

If you're given a symbol to work with,

jot this down, too. If your intention isn't stated,

there'll only be limited power for your work.

Sometimes oils that are connecting with us

through our nous will let us know

if they'd like to work with us to teach

us deeper mysteries.


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