Well, I am here to tell you that it’s true. They are waiting for you to ask and invite them into your life.
I am here as a bridge / matchmaker to make that happen for you.
How do I do that?
Well, I have a strong psychic connection with the plant kingdom and when you want assistance in any area, the plant spirits that want to come into your life will present themselves to me. Sometimes they have a message too.
I then create your special blend of plant wisdom using essential oils and turn them into whatever you like. You might just want a neat oil blend to inhale, maybe you would like your oils turned into a spray cologne or a scented lotion.

People describe the effects of their special blends to be subtle yet powerful. As I reflect on this common response it makes sense to me, that the plants just get to work in the background , shifting and changing whatever energies,thoughts or beliefs need to change in order to help you.
Creating these special blends is my passion and my joy.
You can connect with me at my Facebook page enhancingaromas or message Ruth on 0416873388
P.S You can also book an essence party and tune in and create your own blend and I will help you tweek it.

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