Essential oils can be very beneficial and with regular use can calm the nervous system down, creating more of an equilibrium between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Not all anxiety is psychological, it can be a physiological response to our surroundings such as an overload of input by bright lights,noise,electromagnetic pollution or even foods.

Lavender is the first oil of choice for anxiety.Known for its calming effects, the  time from choosing to inhale some lavender to calming down can be as little as a few minutes.

Remembering that you have some lavender to help you is the part that requires some training, if it is not  something you are used to doing.

Carrying essential oil around with you can be done discreetly and used just as discreetly. No one need know you are lavender junkie! However I can think of worse things to be known as.
However you will find most people fascinated that lavender can calm you down so quickly.

Everyone gets stressed now and then, it’s a natural part of life, it can be a creative energy that gives us momentum. However,
If we cannot wind down after a period of stress and give our mind and body a chance to recover its’ balance , our system remains in high alert ready to respond as if our life were in danger. This is unfortunate if we react to a slamming door as if someone was firing a gun at us. Then we have wound our system up again. If this cycle continues our para sympathetic (Rest and Digest)and sympathetic ( Fight or Flight)nervous system  become imbalanced.

cycle of stress and calm


Aromatherapy used during times of stress can dampen the stress response in the body or help us return to balance quicker giving our system time to recover. 
A common “mental health” concern today is chronic anxiety. Anxiety over a long period time leads to “depression”
If you think about the nervous system becoming exhausted over time it makes sense that eventually it will burn out and we are left feeling depleted mentally, emotionally and physically which can manifest as a physical illness or mental illness.
Prevention is always better than cure so managing your daily stress levels can make a big difference. Life happens and stressful events, thought patterns and worries are a part of it. They can be great learning opportunities. 
Recognise your stress signals. Starting to get headaches? Not feeling hungry? Achy pains over your body? Trouble getting to sleep? Heart beginning to race? breaking out in a sweat?

I have many clients who use aromatherapy to manage their symptoms of stress.
They find it very helpful and practical.

It is Easy to carry around a small bottle in your pocket or bag.
The beauty of the mind body connection is that it is a feedback loop that is in continual communication.
If the body is relaxed it is difficult for the mind to maintain worried thoughts as it doesn’t compute with the body’s signals.
The same applies if the mind becomes relaxed the body can’t maintain its tightness as that doesn’t compute.
Aromatherapy can be applied for both physical and mental stress.

The fastest effect is on the mind and emotions. Aroma is a powerful stimulus on our minds with aroma molecules reaching our brain very quickly via the olfactory bulb. This is a collection of neurones in our brain neuroscientists believe is dedicated to interpreting aromas. It is located very close to limbic system which current neuroscience believes is responsible for our emotions.

Whatever the science, the anecdotal evidence is convincing. I have given orange or lavender or neroli to people to inhale whilst in an agitated state and watched them change to a more coherent relaxed state within minutes.
Once I had a young man in a dreadful state after taking illicit  drugs the night before. His parents were beside themselves and were on the verge of taking him to hospital.
I gave them some orange oil to give to him to inhale and they reported that it calmed him down within minutes.

He came to me a week later for another blend of oils, this time I gave him vetiver,cedarwood and lavender because he is

hyperactive. He reported to me a week later he loved using the oils and he appeared a lot calmer in his demenour.He was either inhaling them directly from the bottle or diluting a few drops in coconut oil and massaging them onto his chest.

He had finally learnt his lesson about using illicit drugs and was using the oils to calm himself down instead.

Using essential oils are very cost effective too! A little goes a long way.

You can purchase a 11ml bottle of certified organic lavender in my shop for $18 plus postage and it can last you up to  6 months. Orange oil is only $12 for 12mls. The two combined together also create a beautiful aroma that is very calming.

mix 2 parts orange to one part lavender in a small glass bottle.Get orange oil here   Get your pure lavender oil here

You will find with regular use your anxiety will reduce. Try some mindfulness excercises . There are plenty for free on itunes or you tube.

Remember to STOP and breathe. Inhale the oils a few times, at the first sign of stress and take back control.




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