Oil Reading and Healing Blend of Oils

$125.00 each



My name is Ruth and I am a plant whispering ,wise woman navigator

I create plant wisdom potions that bring in the energy consciousness of the plant kingdom in a real and visceral way.

The essences are alive with the energy blueprint of the plants and connect with the healing energy available to us all, and within us all.

Your personal oil blend communicates the desired blueprint of the state of being you are wishing to create. It goes to work on your sub conscious blocks and subtly releases them

This plant consciousness brings in the pure loving energy of nature, mother earth. More than ever this gift to humanity wants to help us raise our consciousness and come back home to our own innate wisdom. 


I call these plant wisdom potions plant whispering alchemy and you can choose from a range I have created for specific purposes. Just choose what you are drawn to and trust this is what you need.


Personal creations power up this process by being more targeted to your intention 

How do I do this?


I use my psychic gifts to tune in to you and the plant kingdom creating a bridge that allows the plant kingdom to reveal the essences you're being is requiring at this time. One of my gifts as a psychic is to see the unseen underlying cause of an issue.

Therefore your personal essences are transformative and go to work at a deep subtle level. This is nothing to be afraid of as I do not see your secrets but feel the wound in your heart. I am an empath and approach this work from a place of open hearted compassion. 


Having a one on one session with me enables a deeper connection and transmission of loving energy. It is a healing session that uplifts your spirit and brings in all the loving energy you require at this time. Your essence is activated and alive, totally tuned in to your being and ready to assist you. Just connect with it and wear it and let the shifts and changes begin in subtle yet powerful ways.

Every time you apply your oils this healing energy is with you going to work in the subtle and powerful ways.

Many clients have reported amazing shifts after getting their own unique essential oils.

Now you can also choose to have an  EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) session with your oils if you know you need deeper work.

I provide a safe and nuturing container for our deep dive work.

Book session here Book Now





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