SHE WOLF Natural Perfume 12 mis

$20.00 each



Botanical Perfume

When your She Wolf comes out in all her ferocity this natural perfume is here to help tame her a little so she doesn't bite everyones heads off. It is a play on words but in all seriousness PMS is not much fun. This array of feminine plant essences combined to resonate with your innate feminine side help to balance your mood, calm the raging waters and align you with feminine wisdom and find balance and harmony. 

Wear your perfume to balance your mood and bring your She Wolf out to play instead.

Enjoy the Aroma of this herby and sweet perfume 

Clary sage brings clear sight and clarity and ylang ylang balances the yin and yang allowing your male and female energies to come back into balance.

Relaxing lavender and beautiful Rose geranium harmonise everything together.

Rosemary verbenone for it's gentle rememberence of who you are.

Coriander for playfulness and creativity 

Their alchemy together aligns you with your playful feminine and helps bring out that playful little girl who is now a women and brings the two together.




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