Letting Go helps you get unstuck

$40.00 each


This Letting go oil synergy helps you get unstuck

Have you been holding on to old feelings that want to let go, but have trouble. It feels icky. You know you need to let go. This roll on perfume has been created to help you.

Roll it onto your solar plexus often with your intention to forgive and let go and it will help you process and digest difficult stuck emotions.

Organic ingredients:


Helichrysum is used to reach the depths of your being Frankinsense to help you deepen your breath.

Juniperberry berry facilitates movement.

Cedarwood clears away negative thoughts

Myrrh gives you strength and aligns base and crown chakras bringing light into your being 

All together these beautiful oils work synergistically together and with your enrgy to  facilitate letting go.



"Hi Ruth , sending you this email to let you know how pleased I am with purchasing and using enhancing aromas products.
         I had a chat with Ruth , and found her to be very intuitive to what I needed now to help the healing process that I am focusing on to improve my everyday health and happiness. After a few questions and a brief chat Ruth recommended her blend called " Letting Go ",
being a roll on I found it very user friendly,sometimes I kept in my handbag and applied it through out the day,other times I applied it after a shower and  before bed, after a few months I am free of what was holding me back and causing me anxiety .
     I have found the unique oil blends developed by Ruth to work on a subconscious level ,habitual thoughts and actions have come to be shown to me for questioning and release , a healing process that has felt fantastic.  Subtle … powerful... perfect... Thankyou  Ruth , love and light Melinda. "

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